Teamwork! Dark Pirates and Special Weapons and Tactics announce alliance

On December 28 2024, The Dark Pirate of Club Penguin announced alliance with The Special Weapons and Tactics, let us dive deep into what has gotten them to announce their alliance!

Dark Pirates recently came back as an army after having an successful opening event while Special Weapons and Tactics are getting close to having their revival event and try to max enough penguins to have their army back. Maguro, one of the SWAT leaders reached out to DPC leaders and proposed his alliance. DPC accepted his proposal and now they are officially allies.

Maguro announcing their alliance with DPC

Shrekkks announcing their alliance with SWAT

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to one of the SWAT leaders (shaz) to see why they proposed this alliance.

CPAO: Why’d you decide to Ally with DPC?
Shaz: We see it as a good army to ally with, its performance was also very good in the anniversary event, it has full potential for a great S/M army.

CPAO: What do you think about the Future of SWAT Allied with DPC?
Shaz: I hope it is a good alliance and a great duo and who knows, future brother-allies.

CPAO: Are you guys gonna un-ally ever?
Shaz: For now we want to maintain this alliance for a long time.

CPAO: Anything else you want to say to DPC?
Shaz: Negative

So as we see here, SWAT sees this as a good decision to ally with DPC, due to their new leadership and how both armies perform. They seek this alliance for a while and during that time being, both armies tend to help each other out. Both of these armies see this alliance as a good way to get back to the top of the leaderboard. What will happen in this alliance? Will this alliance help both armies reach their goal? We will have to wait and see


Reporter in Training

Yellow Typer

Reporting Heads

Billy Bawb Gets Promoted To Templars Leader

The Templars witnessed Billy Bawb getting promoted to a leader on 27th December 2024. What caused his promotion?

Billy Bawb, a Templar who joined Templars of Club Penguin in summer, gets promoted to a leader in Templars. On 27th of December 2024, he made an announcement stating “Hello everyone so as time has past and i have been here for just only 6 months for the first time in my cpa career i have gotten Templars Leader and i will end up helping Templars become great again and it will be worth the wait to stay as this journey will only only get better. I would like to thank @!Echo on helping me get better at leader (Same with Caracal) and thanks to @Zez for doing his hcom work and ended up recruiting me! Thanks for everyone who was there when i needed it and thanks for the support! I won’t let anyone down in Tcp! Keep attending events and having fun if u need anything u can always dm me! o7”

Billy Bawb achieved his leader after working for 6 months, he expressed excitement to grow Templars as he is a leader now. He thanked Echo and Caracal Cat for guiding him through his way of HCOM. In addition, he thanked Zez for recruiting him. Billy also thanked the people who were kind and helped him throughout his journey. He encouraged troops to stay active and attend events, have fun, and reminded them that support is available for them whenever they need it.

Club Penguin Armies Official contacted Billy Bawb to gather more information regarding his promotion.

CPAO: “How did you feel when your promotion was announced? Was the announcement a surprise?”
Billy Bawb: “I felt happy and just did not know what to say. Yes the announcement was a surprised.”

CPAO: What do you think you did well to earn a leadership role?”
Billy Bawb: “I think i was leading well and just doing everything a leader should.”

CPAO: What is your plan for the future of TCP?”
Billy Bawb: “My plan is to make it #1 again and just keep it there for 2025.”

CPAO: “Who do you feel helped you most to get to where you are now?”
Billy Bawb: “It would have to be Caracal and Echo that helped me the most.”

CPAO: You have not been in CPA for long despite this promotion, which is impressive. Do you have any advice for aspiring leaders?”
Billy Bawb: “Do the work you are meant to and if u keep doing it you will get up there.”

CPAO: Is there anything you would like to add?”
Billy Bawb: Thanks for everyone who was there when i needed it.”

Billy Bawb shared that he was both happy and surprised when his promotion was announced, stating he didn’t know what to express at that time. He says he believes his dedication to strong leadership fulfilling his responsibilities of a leader. Looking forward, his mission is to bring TCP to glory throughout the year 2025.

Billy credited Caracal and Echo for their support and help. Despite being new to CP Armies, he gave advice to future leaders, focus on your work, with consistent effort, you will rise to the top. He expressed gratitude to the people who guided and helped him throughout his journey. Do you think Billy Bawb will be a good leader for TCP? What do you think, what consequences will happen for him getting promoted to leader?

Judge Judy Joins The Team As a Board of Director

There has been a lot of things going on as Board of Directors kept resigning for their position. Well we would like to introduce a new Board of Director, her name is Judy, or as some people say, Judge Judy. Let’s dive in more to see why she signed up for this.

Judy applied to be a Board of Director on Christmas day, and got accepted hours later. Judy was first added as a league administrator, then days later, CPAO saw that she would be a good Board member and accepted her. Judy also joined the reporting team and wrote her first report on the same day she was accepted as a BoD.

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Judy to gather information why she applied for this position.

CPAO: What has made you want to join the team as a Board Of Director in Club Penguin Armies Official?
Judy: Mostly it’s down to passion for the Club Penguin community, I’ve been all around the place in only 6 months and I enjoy doing this sort of work. As much as I love armies, I greatly enjoy being behind the scenes and organizing things for people which is a BIG part of it. Other than that, I’ve been acquainted with the team for some time and think we can work well together to bring something great to the army community (:

CPAO: What could you do to help this league grow?
As much as I don’t try to throw it out unless its relevant, I have a long line of history in owning servers and doing this sort of thing , one thing I am confident in is gathering members and arranging activities for CPAO to make it more lively as well as engaging with the members to make our goal possible

CPAO: Do you think you’re ready for these hard responsibilities as a Director?
Judy: Absolutely! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this side of a community, but I gotta believe in myself to pull through with it and do what I love doing.

So it seems like Judy was here before the name BCLC was rebranded CPAO. Judy believes she can take on the challenge as a Board of Director and help us grow. What will Judy do to prove she is a good BoD? How will she Face the challenges that’s coming towards her way?

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Board of Director

Goodbye! Shrekkks Retires From CPAO Board of Directory

Club Penguin Armies Official witnessed the departure of Board of Directors, Shrekkks. This article will describe what led to the resignation.

Shrekkks first began their journey in Club Penguin Armies Official on April 7th, 2024 as a founder alongside Mafuka. They remained in the server as part of the Board of Directors through the server’s expansion on August 27th, continuing to serve the community in numerous ways such as gaining attention from members of the Club Penguin community and inviting them to join, keeping the community active and creating graphics for the league.

On December 21st, 2024, Shrekkks declared that they would be stepping down from the Board of Directors. This came as a surprise to the community. The CPAO reporting team contacted Shrekkks for an interview to view their perspective on their resignation.

Why did you choose to step down from the Board of Directors?

I was also involved in creating the ‘CPAO’ with Ethan, but I am retiring to avoid causing any more embarrassment to the community. I want to focus on self-improvement and not be the subject of ridicule.

What was your favourite memory in CPAO?

My favourite memory of being in CPAO was that I had to check on the server countless of time because I always miss something.

Will you make a return ever?

As I said, I want to focus on self-improvement and not be the subject of ridicule meaning I will not.

In conclusion, Shrekkks was a part of the creation of CPAO, holding many responsibilities and making respectable efforts to help the community grow. However, the former member of the Board of Directors currently looks to focus on themselves and take a new step on their journey. What do you think about Shrekkk’s retirement? Who do you think will take his place on the Board of Directors?

Board of Director

Meet The New SWAT Leaders

As several SWAT leaders leave, several joins. Meet Shazam, Maguro, Mark, and Kyle as they joined SWAT leadership just a couple days ago.

It is 22nd of December 2024, everybody gets a ping in SWATRulers server and gets shocked by seeing the announcement channel. Fwapo, Krill, and Zooy resigned from their leadership. This trio were highly known amongst everyone and were highly respected members in Club Penguin. Their leadership played a key role in the recent events, leaving a legacy behind of hard work and loyalty. However, since they resigned people started questioning on the army’s future.

If we go back, the advisors had already solved the people’s questions. They spent 3 full days discussing about the new leaders, these meetings were serious, the meetings were even past midnight. Their main goal was to make the army stable by electing great leaders. This decision would help ensure that SWAT remains one of the most strongest armies in CPAB.

23rd December 2024, Shazam, Maguro, Kyle, and Mark were elected as the new leaders for SWAT. Their arrival made everyone excited because each of them had unique skills and had served armies well. Together, they aim to bring SWAT to glory while bringing fresh ideas and energy to tackle the challenges of the CPAB world.

Club Penguin Armies Official contacted Shazam, Kyle, Maguro, and Mark for the following event. Everyone replied except Mark.

CPAO: How did you become a SWAT Leader?
CPAO: How do you feel joining the SWAT Leadership?
CPAO: How do you plan bringing SWAT to glory?

Shazam: “With much effort and after the end of the previous generation we decided to make these additions to the leadership.”
Shazam: “I feel honored to be leading a historic army like SWAT!!”
Shazam: Definitely start more fun events reform the server and reach big maxes of 30-50+ with also having a great position in MM and AA in 2025, I am also happy to lead this historic army A NEW ERA BEGINS!

Maguro: “Lego kind of randomly texted me yesterday asking if I wanted in. I didn’t quite know what it was until I got on Discord and realized. It went from there”
Maguro: “I feel as if we have a decent squad surrounding SWAT and I’m sincerely hoping that the new generation with us succeeds. “
Maguro: “Personally, my intentions are set on starting the revival off hot. I want to set high expectations for leaders, HCOM, and moderators by staying on top of recruiting. We also plan on entering some future tournaments which will hopefully push agents to stay active. Glory truly all starts within the agents.”

Kyle: “Well, I have been in SWAT from time to time throughout the years since 2014, and I noticed SWAT hasn’t been very active, as Krill was only able to max 5. The man and the legend himself, LEGO, was planning on bringing a new and experienced team of leaders to SWAT, and I decided it was finally my time to step in. “
Kyle: “It feels great, you know? I was supposed to lead SWAT with Zuke back in 2020, but things didn’t go as planned. I feel like with this power in the leadership, it’s finally time to prove myself and prove everyone wrong about not just my abilities but SWAT as an army. “
Kyle: “Well, first of all, we have phases planned before we start up with events again, but one thing I can say for sure is that with our plans, we plan on being the biggest army everyone has seen in a while. I keep hearing people talk bad about the new leadership already, but when I say we will snatch that #1 spot and keep it and reach higher goals that you never thought were possible with Club Penguin armies, I mean it. Stay tuned.”

Shazam feels honored to lead SWAT and aims to bring SWAT to glory by organizing fun events and achieve top rankings in 2025. Maguro, the legend who got recruited by Legoman, plans to focus on recruiting, keeping troops active, and maintaining a strong staff. Kyle, an old legend of SWAT, aims to rebuild SWAT, prove haters wrong, and make it the greatest army ever. Together they all hope to lead SWAT to success. Do you think these new leaders would be perfect for SWAT? Did the advisors elect correct leaders? Would SWAT become the greatest army? 

Board of Director

Fera Steps down from their Position as a Board

Fera was a Board of Director for CPAO since September but she has recently announced her retirement. Lets dig in deeper and see why she has retired from her position.

Fera joined the CPAO Board Team since September, she first started off doing nothing, but a few days later, she started helping out with the league, she currently helped set up roles, channels, and a lot more. She also helped us out to make posts, but on December 24, she announced her retirement inside of the staff server.

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Fera to learn more about her retirement.

CPAO: Why’d you decide to leave CPAO BoD?

Fera: Well I already struggle to balance irl responsibilities, which is why I retired as staff in Help Force a while back too, and I noticed I couldn’t balance stuff in CPAO with irl either so I figured it was better to leave it to people who do have time

CPAO: Are you coming back any time soon?

Fera: Probably not, if I get free time on my hands my first priority will be Help Force if I manage to get some time on top of that maybe ill come back but I don’t see that happening soon !

CPAO: How was your time the BoD Team?

Fera: It was fun honestly, I’m honored that I was invited to be a part of the Board I hope CPAO continues to grow and become a solid league of its own

CPAO: What are some of your favorite moments?

Fera: My fave moment was definitely when I decided to just fix up a bunch of behind the screen stuff at 3am because i felt like it

CPAO: Do you want someone to replace for you? If so, who is it?

Fera: Honestly I don’t have anyone particular in mind, and i think the current board is a good set of people already that can get things done

CPAO: Any last words you want to say to the CPAO BoD Team?

Fera: Yall were great, and I apologize for my sudden departure :prayge: I hope to see y’all achieve great things in the future

So it seems like Fera had no choice to resign her position in CPAO, due to battling things in life right now. She has played a big part and have done a lot of responsibilities with her time in BoD. Who will be the replacement for Fera. Will we see an big part of Fera coming back? That’s for all of us to see in the future.

Board of Director

Yellow Typer

Reporting head

A New Dawn for SWAT: The Honorable Retirement of Their Leaders

On 21st December of 2024, we witnessed 3 leaders, 1 Leader in Training, 1 Chief of Staff, and 1 Staff in Training retiring from SWAT. What led to their sudden retirement?

On 21st of December 2024, Fwapo stated his retirement by announcing “As you read the announcement be ready for the coming as this is not the only. A copy have been published to another location if this is going to be deleted.
Before you read this I announce that I no longer hold any postion in SWAT nor contribute in any activity.
In the last 2 weeks, I stepped down from the SWAT leadership. The reason being “I am too busy” which is a fact and not a lie, I am extremely busy and can not keep up. While it was a real reason for me to leave, I had another one laying down.
Recently, the 2 advisors lego and Aisha started to talk about shutting down SWAT without considering anyone’s opinion. No solution or time was given, except just closing the army down. The only decision was to promote clade and while I have nothing against it this proves how much the people who make such decisions do not care. The SWAT advisory team is so harsh and extremely unlikable one that is the only reason SWAT is getting worse.
The following resigned due to recent events:
Commander Fun X Time
Commander Fwapo
Commander Zooy
Chief of Staff and Second-in-Command WilliamW2010
Leader-in-Training Shazam
Staff-in-Training eternity
I give a thank you to everyone who supported me in the past and wish you the best. Never give up”

Fwapo announced that he has stepped out of his position as a leader in SWAT because he has been occupied, which is the core reason he expressed for leaving, but also because he claims to be not satisfied by the decisions recently made in SWAT’s advisory team when they proposed the idea to close the army without letting others have their say. Fwapo condemned the advisory team’s brutal and unlikable attitude that had brought SWAT down. Most of the key members were leaving in protest, which included Commander Fun X Time, Commander Fwapo (himself), Commander Zooy, Chief of Staff and Second-in-Command WilliamW2010, Leader-in-Training Shazam, and Staff-in-Training eternity. Fwapo praised his fans and called on others to never lose hope.

Apparently on 22nd December 2024. William W2010 announced his comeback to SWAT by stating “After some negotiation, I have realized that now I have become the very thing I swore to destroy, one who follows a certain person out of the army, except here the person I am following is a former leader who refuses to talk to advisors who throws around insults, and makes secret group chats. As such I have decided to return to SWATRulers. What’s up ladies, lassos, and darn tooting HCOM. Welcome back to my reign in SWATRulers.”

After some thought and negotiation, WilliamW2010 realized that he had become what he once opposed: following a former leader who refuses to communicate with advisors, throws insults, and creates secret group chats. As such, he decided to return to SWATRulers and reclaim his position. He welcomed the members with enthusiasm, saying, “What’s up ladies, lassos, and darn tooting HCOM,” signaling his return to leadership.

The Club Penguin Armies Official contacted one of the ex-leaders of SWAT Fun-X-Time to learn more about this situation.

CPAO: “Why did you all retire? Is there any other reason except the reason Fwapo stated in the announcement? If no, define in detail.”
Fun X Time: “My friends and I resigned from SWAT following recent, unfair, and overlooked events. Fwapo’s justification in his announcement is quite well explained and straight to the point. There is more to it, but Fwapo’s announcement has summarized the problem very well.

As mentioned, Lego and Aisha were two key advisors who put SWAT to utmost destruction. They have supported the ones who have done wrong, and hardly supported natural growth. Krosive’s addition was Lego’s confident and shameful move, and SWAT’s unconditional shutdown was Aisha’s indecisive and sole advice. We did what the advisors said—to shut down—but intervened the process by cancelling the shutdown last minute. The advisors did not wish to consult the staff members, and they were against me polling such a decision. Leaders were always forced to accept their silliest advices. The army community has already seen a previous iteration of this in November 2024, when Lego badly convinced other leaders to accept Krosive’s induction to SWAT leadership. Alliances were at jeopardy, and SWAT leader Zooy was temporarily banned from CPA Battleground for simply having Krosive in a similar position.

Lego has genuinely done nothing other than recruiting 4,000 dead accounts in the Special Weapons and Tactics. I have read controversial posts regarding him, about homophobia allegations, using Club Penguin private servers for misuse and to bring unfair size advantages. Lego and Aisha are making use of their Discord server permissions to their fullest. Their decision-making in deciding ranks for various members also has extreme points at either bias or hate. For example, Lego is offering SWAT leader Zooy, the most knowledgeable, disciplined, and loyal, Staff-in-Training, and WilliamW2010, the best recruiter, Fourth-in-Command. Kyle104 and Mark0600 are speculated to receive leadership, even though they failed to recruit a single person in November 2024, when they were in SWAT as High Command members. Funny, isn’t it?”

CPAO: “What were some of your favourite memories in SWAT?”
Fun X Time: “Some of my favorite memories in SWAT include spending the day in SWAT chat much more than ever in 2020–2021, being promoted to leader, running the Fifteenth Anniversary celebrations, and certainly those that I established with some of my closest friends in the army.”

CPAO: “Would you ever come back to SWAT?”
Fun X Time: “Potentially, yes. I may make a return when Lego and Aisha are not around, and when the torch has been passed on to someone more considerate and careful. I shall restate, I have no resentment towards SWAT; I have only disliked the misconduct of various individuals—including Lego and Aisha. They were not the truest of advisors, and I am sure an army looking for advisors can find someone better. But, one thing is certain—I am not stepping into SWAT with the presence of coward advisors. I do appreciate some hardworking and loyal members of SWAT, though.”

CPAO: “Where are you off to now?”
Fun X Time: “I am now off to follow a pre-determined army career in Club Penguin armies. I have paved a wise path. And, now, I am finding home in my first army—the Aliens. They are a peaceful and super friendly army. Alongside this, they have incredible strength. Therefore, gathering some knowledge would be a wise decision to undertake. Sometime later, I would like to establish my own army, a dream which has been on my mind since the summer of 2020.”


        Fun X Time and their friends resigned from SWAT due to unfair treatment and poor decision-making by advisors Lego and Aisha. They criticized Lego for recruiting inactive accounts, biased leadership decisions, and controversial behavior, and Aisha for indecisiveness. They intervened to prevent a shutdown proposed by the advisors, who opposed consulting staff on key decisions.

        Favorite SWAT memories: Chatting with their fellow team members, being promoted to leader, and planning the Fifteenth Anniversary celebrations. They could come back to SWAT if Lego and Aisha leave, leadership improves, but they are not mad at the army.

        Presently, they have joined the Aliens because of their peaceful nature and strength. They work to create their own army someday.

        Apparently after a few hours after Fwapo’s announcement, BestPenguin from Aliens of Club Penguin announced the end of alliance with SWAT by stating “Howdy Aliens, I hope my lovely Aliens are doing well. I have something important to announce, From today, right after this announcement, I declare Aliens and SWAT to be neutral that means we are no longer allies. We wish swat the best for their future.
        That leaves us, with only one ally, that is helpforce. The rest of the armies/groups are considered as neutral. If you’re in swat you can ask for a visitor role and get your ally role removed. Signed by BP[Starship Admiral]”.

        What do you think, is Lego right? Would the SWAT leaders join SWAT back? Would Aliens ally again with SWAT?

        Map Rules

        1. Territory Control
        Territorial control is another kind of control where territories can be claimed by an army. The army can claim a territory by winning the battle scheduled at that place. To capture a territory, the army needs to ensure at least 60% of the event votes. If the votes are equal or the army wins with less than 60%, the territory becomes neutral.
        Occupied Territories: An army occupies a territory if it wins a battle for it. A territory will remain occupied until some other army takes it in battle. Another army can only contest a territory 48 hours after the last battle, with no exceptions.
        Neutral Territories: Unclaimed or uncontested territories are neutral. Any army can claim a neutral territory by defeating the army currently occupying it or through a free-for-all battle where multiple armies compete.

        2. Territorial Boundaries
        Territorial Limit: There is no territorial limit, meaning an army can conquer infinite amount of territories

        3. War & Alliances
        Declaration of War:
        Armies must declare officially that they are at war with another army to fight for a battle over the disputed or neutral area. Declarations of war must occur no less than 48 hours from when the fighting begins. Any declaration that is done without this time gap will not be valid.
        Alliances: Armies can also ally so that they can share control of neutral territories. However, any alliance needs to be made public and declared so to the armies concerned as well as clearly stated within the event announcement. Now if an allied army invades the territory of an opponent owned by the enemy of an ally, then that alliance is broken and automatically put at war with the latter’s opponent. Such a war is one to be acknowledged and agreed between the two parties.

        4. Battle Format
        Only in specified battle locations shall an event occur. Battle locations shall be indicated in the official map of the CPAO and rules for that location during an event.
        Event Booking: Events should be pre-arranged. The dates and times should also be agreed between the two armies. One army must inform the other and come to a consensus 24 hours in advance if one army decides to change the date for any event.

        5. Surrender & Retreat
        Surrender of an Area:
        The armies may surrender any area with official declaration if they desire to do so.
        This declaration should be at least 12 hours ahead of the proposed time to fight in that place. Surrenders cannot occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Armies are free to withdraw from a battle if they believe they cannot succeed. Withdrawing automatically loses them the land they were seeking to win over. Withdrawing does not release armies from their responsibility to defend the regions they already occupy.

        6. Execution & Conflicts
        Official Judges: Official judges from CPAJ will supervise every battle. These are the ones who will monitor the battle and ensure the battle is fair and will be conducted according to guidelines set by CPAO. Their decisions are final, and all armies have to play according to the judging rules.
        Appeals: If an army does not agree with the result of a battle or a claim to land, they can ask for a review. To start an appeal, the army must send a formal request to the Board of Directors of CPAO. The Board will look at the case and decide if the outcome needs to be changed.

        7. Special Events
        Special territories:
        The CPAO can make special event territories receive double benefits or special rules that apply only to those special territories. Those territories can carry special benefits such as extra bonus points or better defense. The map will show all such special territories.
        Victory Conditions: For special events, the victory conditions may be different from regular battles. Special rules, such as challenges or requirements to win in a certain way, will be shared with all participating armies 48 hours before the event starts.

        8. Fair Play
        Respect & Sportsmanship:
        All armies must treat each other with respect and follow sportsmanship standards during battles and events. The honesty of the league relies on the good behavior of everyone involved.
        Cheating and Unfair Play: Cheating or using any unfair methods i.e. Multilogging, Blackmailing, Doxxing, etc will face serious punishments, which may include losing territories or being banned from the league. All armies must act in the spirit of fair play.
        9. Changing Territory Names
        Territorial name change: Armies may request to rename an area they occupy. Any renamed area should be in the style of CPAO naming. The request must be submitted for approval to the CPAO Board. Once approved, the new name on the map will be recognized everywhere.

        10. Minimum number of Penguins required for an invasion
        Minimum Participants per Army: To make the invasion a competitive and engaging battle, each army should at least have 5 participating penguins in the invasion.
        Ideal Participants: Although 5 penguins is the minimum, the armies are encouraged to have more members for the bigger and more exciting battle.

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        Birth of The CPAO

        Club Penguin Armies Official (CPAO) is a league for Club Penguin which was formed on 7th of April 2024 by Mafuka and Shrekkks. On 27th August 2024, Mafuka decided to expand it.