Top Ten Armies [March 2 – March 8]

CPAO Headquarters –  Presenting the inaugural official Top 10 Armies of Club Penguin Armies Official. The Army of Club Penguin secures the 1st  position in the first official Top 10 Armies ranking, with a score of 50.6. This ranking covers the period from 2nd March to 8th March 2025 and includes a total of 15 armies.


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The Bastille Vanguard Announce Alliance with Special Weapons and Tactics

On March 5, 2025, The Bastille Vanguard and Special Weapons and Tactics unveiled a new alliance. Today we will review the events leading up to this alliance.

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Your Opinion: Are advisors considered a rank?

Today, we delve into an opinion post exploring the question: Are advisors considered a rank? Let’s see what our community members think!



An advisor is typically an individual with extensive expertise in a specific field, offering strategic guidance and recommendations to assist individuals and organizations. In the context of Club Penguin Armies, the role of an advisor is often debated some view it as a formal rank akin to others in the hierarchy, while others consider it a distinguished position reserved for highly esteemed and experienced army members.

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Lockdown announced! Fire Vikings enter into a isolation 

On February 23, 2025, at 1:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, Yellow Typer, one of the advisors and the founder of the Fire Vikings of Club Penguin, announced that the Fire Vikings would be going into lockdown for a while. Let us see what led to this lockdown!

The advisors are uncertain when they will return from this lockdown, but they have stated that they will not resume activities until the Fire Vikings reach 100 members.

Yellow Typer is announcing that Fire Vikings will be on a lockdown until further notice.

Welcome to you all who have joined the new server so far! The information will be classified, and we will explain why we see this new server today when we get around 100 members! Stay tuned. For this change, FV will be on hiatus until further notice.
-Yellow Typer

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Yellow Typer to see why he announced the lockdown of Fire Vikings

How do you feel about Fire Vikings being on a hiatus?

Yellow Typer: Feels great tbh. Gives me and pain of War time to get the server right and recruit people while we moved servers.

That was the only question but it seems like Yellow Typer and the other Pain of War has stuff planned out for Fire Vikings as their legacy continues. What will they do when they come from out of hiatus? How will they climb back up upon the leaderboard?



Light The Flames Back Up: Fire Vikings Rise Back to The Community

After weeks of inactivity, the Fire Vikings announce their big comeback to the army community. Let’s dive deeper into what has gotten them to revive and what are their future plans for the army!

The Fire Vikings was founded on November 16th, 2024, by Yellow Typer. Yellow Typer was able to host a successful opening event maxing a high max of 11 penguins at their opening event. The army was lead by Yellow Typer, Zaidimai, Zuj0t, Styx, and Ryken. FV joined the Christmas Chaos tournament held by Club Penguin Armies. After the tournament was over, Yellow Typer announced that FV would be merging with the Dark Pirates of Club Penguin which ended the first generation of FV.

Fire Vikings in their opening event

Months after the disclosure of FV, Yellow Typer announced that Mafuka would be reviving the army and it brought everyone to surprise that FV would be revived so early. Hours later after the announcement, Mafuka left the leadership to join Special Weapons and Tactics leaving FV’s planned revival to die. After the departure, Yellow Typer announced that FV would not be getting revived unless they have a loyal leader willing to revive it. 1 hour later after the announcement, Pain of War, founder of Vangaurd Penguin Federation, looked up to the announcement made and he volunteered to revive FV promising his loyalty. Pain of War hosted the revival event on February 16th, 2025, exactly 3 months after the opening event. Yellow Typer and Pain of War were able to get 10 vikings online making the revival event successful.

Fire Vikings reopening event maxing 10′

Club Penguin Armies Official interviewed the current leader of Fire Vikings, Pain of War to get more information due to this revival.

CPAO: What made you revive Fire Vikings?

Pain of War: I revived Fire Vikings because I saw an opportunity to give the army a new era of success.

CPAO: Do you have any future plans for the army?

Pain of War: Primarily, I want to establish a strong foundation for the army.

CPAO: What do you want FV to see success in?

Pain of War: I want to see Fire Vikings become a competitive force in the army scene, participating in major battles and establishing our legacy.

CPAO: Anything you would like to the community?

Pain of War: FV FOREVER

It seems like as Fire Vikings were revived, they revived without any particular goals but they want to see themselves as a dominating army and see themselves participating with the other major armies. What does Pain of War have planned for Fire Vikings? What will he do to make Fire Vikings a fearful force against the other major armies?


Reporter in Training

Yellow Typer

Board of Director

CPAO welcomes BScharbach to Board of Directors

The Club Penguin Armies Official has had a lot of Board of Directors since birth. As Judy made her department from BoD, we will like to welcome a new one, BScharbach. As we read on, we will see why he wanted to become a Bod and what made him sign up for this position.

Club Penguin Armies Official has been born after BCLC died out, born with Judy, Yellow Typer, and Mafuka as Judy stepped in for Shrekkks departure from Board of Directors in BCLC. A few hours after Judy retiring from BoD, CPAO has opened up applications for people to apply for that position, but only 1 person would win. CPAO saw BScharbach apply the best and he has been accepted to the team. With all that being said folks, BoD is officially closed. BScharbach has been accepted to join us as a BoD on 2/1/2025 at 10:56 AM EST. After BSchar ranned CPAA and CPAT, we thought we should give him a try here, so we accepted, and he was officially a BoD. CPAO has recently been getting a lot of departures from this position due to hard thinking, trouble in life, and/or they just lost the compassion and felt they were not able to be a good BoD anymore. Well let’s see what our friend here has to say for being a BoD.

Club Penguin Armies Official were able to have a seat with BScharbach to see what caused him to apply for Board of Directors.

CPAO: Why did you want to become a Board of Director in CPAO?
BScharbach: I’ve always had a fascination with army media – dating back multiple years. I was approached by a few good friends of mine asking to use my experience to help CPAO get its footing, and I decided it would be worth a shot. I’m not here to do what I did with CPAT – but to serve more as a guidance figure for the current staff team within CPAO while using my experience with writing and posts to help keep things fresh & interesting.

CPAO: What do you expect to happen now that you are a BoD?
BScharbach: I’d like CPAO to focus more on delivering high quality articles with unique ideas. I feel what is missing within the army media landscape today is interesting & unique posts that don’t follow the formula. I will mostly be training reporters & editing posts to ensure that the quality of posts speaks for itself.

CPAO: Are you ready to be a BoD although CPAT died?
BScharbach: My position within CPAO is more advisory in nature, focused on helping transfer my knowledge to the other staff. CPAT served its purpose & served it with honour and glory.

Based off of this interview, as BSchar was approached by some friends of his to join CPAO, he respectfully declined the offer, but then later on he had a change in mind and now he is a BoD. As he is a new BoD, he already has new ideas that could be done with CPAO and still has a lot of honor and respect for CPAT as their legacy continues after dying out. What changes will we see from CPAO now that BSchar is welcomed as a new BoD? Seeing as the other people that were a BoD didn’t last long, will BSchar be able to keep his position as a director or will he resign quick like the others?

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Let’s Help you Step Back in: Spartans Merges Into the Mercenaries

The Spartans of CP announced their big come back to the army community, making it a successful re-opening event, but, from out the air, they announced their merge in to the Mercenaries of CP Let’s see what has gotten them to merge into them!

Spartans of Club Penguin officially revived, under the leadership of AK1, Elite888, Styx, and Yomi. After a great revival event, SPCP started invading lands in CPAO, successfully invading all scheduled lands. While Spartans were busy with events and invading lands, Elite888 was demoted to head of HCOM. After all of their troubles in the army, they had the idea to make alliances with a couple of armies to help them get back up on the leaderboard. One day, from out of mid air, Spartans announced them officially merging into the Mercenaries of Club Penguin. By MERCS having an army merging with them, we may see a revival from Mercenaries.

AK1 announcing their official merge with MERCS

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to AK1 to see why he merged Spartans into Mercenaries.

CPAO: What has caused you guys to merge with Mercenaries?
AK1: We had a better offer, we were failing.

CPAO: Do you think we will be seeing another generation of Spartans after this gen?
AK1: Not me, anyone can revive it if they get perms from Lord Pain.

CPAO: Why did you merge so early?
AK1: Meow.

CPAO: Is there anything you wanna say to the community based off of this merge?
AK1: Mercenaries on Top!!!

So based off of this interview, we haven’t got informed much but it seems like they are happy with this merge. Due to Spartans not doing too good with this generation, they decided to merge to fill in the gaps they had. What will we see from this merge? Will we see another Spartans gen? We will have to wait for the future and see. Stay tuned for more news we have in store in Club Penguin Armies Official!!

Reporter in Training

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Bring the highest IQ! Smart Penguins Revive!

After four years of inactivity, the Smart Penguins are back, serving a new generation with renewed determination and ambition. Let’s dive deeper into this article to uncover what led to this remarkable revival after such a long hiatus!

The Smart Penguins were officially created on September 19 2013, founded by Vivek and Dinesh. The army was maxing 5-10 total penguins, but also maxed a total of 20 penguins, as they also win the tournament Continental Cup, held by the Small Medium Army Central. As they took the trophy home. Smart Penguins participated in multiple other wars, their first ever war attended, against the Ice Hounds, that took place at the end of 2013! The last time they were available was June 5, 2021, the announcement was also announced by the Smart Penguins Former leader, Superhero123 (AKA: gtsa), announcing the army shutdown,

But also announcing their re-opening event, on July 3rd 2021, the army succeeded this new generation, placed on 7th place in Top Ten, with them attending Legend Cups XI, and Champion Cup II, winning the first round, but get defeated by the Fire Warriors. Next off, the Golden Troops declared war on them, few days later, they signed to a peace treaty with the Golden Troops, winning the war with the score of 6-0-3 [W-T-L]

On August 20, 2021, the Smart Penguins, say farewell to the Army Community. But, from out the air, on January 1, Smart Penguins announced their Revival event!

On 16th January 2025 they hosted their revival event and got an impressive Max of 14 Penguins online.

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Superhero123 to gain insight into this exciting comeback.

CPAO: Why’d you decide to revive SP?
Superhero: Ever since SP’s last generation shut down in 2021 we wanted it to come back, the issue was founding trustable people with experience and will to help us reopen. This happened now thanks to Flypin1 and Zooy!

CPAO: Why did you choose Flypin as leader?
Superhero: Flypin1 was the one who asked me for permission to reopen SP. We have been friends since 2020 and I trust him, and I also believe he has the traits needed to be a good leader for SP. Therefore, I agreed!

CPAO: What are the future plans for SP?
Superhero: At first we want to establish a functional staff team and start having events consistently. Those will be both normal CPA events, but also things like chess tournaments and card jitsu/find four competitions! We want to embrace the “Smart Penguin” theme and promote healthy intellectual activities, alongside beating everyone who stands against us in wars and tournaments of course.

CPAO: How much do you expect for SP to max?
Superhero: At first we seek to consistently perform in the 15-20 range, but one of my personal goals for this generation is for the army to escape the “SM” distinction of the past and finally became consistently Major.

As the Smart Penguins embark on their latest journey, one question remains: can they achieve the ambitious goals outlined by Superhero123? From establishing a functional staff team to hosting innovative intellectual events and making their mark as a major army, the future holds immense potential. Only time will tell if this generation of Smart Penguins can rise to the challenge and fulfil their vision. One thing is certain is that this revival has already sparked excitement in community.

And lastly a huge thank you to Superhero123 for taking the time to answer these questions, And Club Penguin Armies Official wishes the best of luck to the Smart Penguins on their new journey!


Written by

Reporter in Training


Reviewed by
Bull Hour 


A huge department: Tide steps down from Dark Pirates leadership

Tide was a leader of the Dark Pirates when they have revived. Unexpectedly, Tide announced that he was resigning from his leadership in DPC. Let us dive in deeper to see what has caused this department to happen.

Designed by Mati

The Dark Pirates of Club Penguin officially revived on Friday, December 27 with maxing 15 penguins for Ninja’s late party. This generation of DPC was under the leadership of Tide and Shrekkks after the Fire Vikings merged into them. Tide stayed as a leader for a couple more days until DPC had some changes. Yellow Typer was promoted to a leader, Ninja Leader stepped down as a advisor then stepped back up, and later on that same day, Tide announced his departure from DPC’s leadership.

Tide announcing him stepping down from a leader in Dark Pirates

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Tide to see what caused him to resign his leadership in DPC.

CPAO: Do you think you did well as a captain in Dark Pirates?
Tide: I’m going to be honest I could’ve done better as a leader this gen but my busy routine stopped me from being able to do what I wanted to do with this gen

CPAO: Will you keep on supporting DPC through their hard missions and journey?
Tide: I have already spoken to Ninja Leader and I have agreed to continue attending events as an advisor

CPAO: Why did you resign as a leader in DPC?
Tide: I resigned because I was just really busy, some people might say I left to go and join a different army or whatever but they don’t know the full story, what really happened is I have college and a busy life and I can’t always be prioritizing club penguin armies, especially now that I am 18. I have a lot less free time to do the things I enjoy

CPAO: Is there anything else you want to say to the community
Tide: I just want to say good luck and have fun, the whole reason I bought this back was to have fun and not be a super strict army like most other armies are.

The Dark Pirates were revived under the leadership of Shrekkks and Tide with a successful opening event of maxing 15 penguins. From this interview it seems like Tide didn’t want to give up his leadership but due to time and age. He had to give it up so he can be focused on more important things in his life rather than Club Penguin. The pirates will miss Tide as a leader and we all hope that this department will help you do what you have to do to get done with your important things. What are the Pirates plan on making this army major? How will Yellow Typer and Shrekkks maintain DPC as duo leaders? We will just have to wait to find that out.

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Honoring the Legacy: The Club Penguin Army Legends

Zuke’s Club Penguin Army Legends council aims to remember and commemorate the history of Club Penguin Armies (CPA). It showcases accomplishments, connects veterans and maintains the community’s legacy.

The council runs the Legend/ S/M Legend/ Individual Army Legend lists, paying respectful tribute to those who made important contributions to their armies. Touring the museum also offers an opportunity for veterans to relate experiences and highlight their triumphs.

Zuke founded the council to counter decision-making bias. The emphasis is on fair and honest, particularly in sending the legends list. This became relevant on CPA replacing Epic101 on the Legends Committee, resulting fairness discussions.

The council encourages collaboration and keeps our history alive, motivating current and future members to carry on CPA’s legacy.

Club Penguin Armies Official contacted Zuke to learn more about Club Penguin Army Legends.

CPAO: When did you decide to create a legends council? Why?
Zuke: “I decided a year ago when I bought the domain I just finally got around to setting it up. I heard recently that theres lots of disagreements with the council setup by DMT and issues from it. In fact DMT voted himself as legend because he owned the cpa media site at the time. That’s a huge reason why the legends council has been bias for all these years. DMT even banned me from his legends group because he does not like me. Bias is the reason why everyones upset with DMT McHappy and their group. Now we have an official site for the council, legends, veterans, and history.”

CPAO: Did you originally plan on something else before this?
Zuke: “Nope I thought someone would have used their brain by now to connect the community together by now. “

CPAO: Did others help you with the council’s creation?
Zuke: “Thankfully Legoman has been helping Bullhour too. We are hiring historians to write the history for the site. We also have Epic101 who will run the legends council.”

CPAO: What are your aims and plans with the council?
Zuke: “CP Armies have evolved and changed. I even helped revolutionize armies countless times so far during the CPPS era. It’s time we change how the council works. We will divulge the major changes on how the council works. I can tell you it will be more detailed, fair and possibly more public for certain things.”

CPAO:Do you see this being long term? How do you plan to be successful? “
Zuke: Of course because the site is already shooting up on google and will stay up for the next 10 years. The discord is also for all veterans. Everyone is allowed into the veteran legend hangout.”

A year ago, Zuke decided to overhaul the previous council set up by DMT after he noticed bias, laying out the current Club Penguin Army Legends council. These actions led to frustration in the community, like voting DMT as a legend and banning Zuke. To do justice to legends and veterans and CPA history, Zuke decided to create the official site.

Zuke says he hadn’t planned to, but someone should have linked the community earlier. His council was created with the help of Legoman, Bullhour and Epic101. They want to bring more detail, fairness, and transparency to the council.

Zuke views the council as a project for the long haul. The site is exploding and will be for years, and veterans are asked to join the Discord and impart their wisdom. What do you think, will this council be successful?

Board of Director