Light The Flames Back Up: Fire Vikings Rise Back to The Community

After weeks of inactivity, the Fire Vikings announce their big comeback to the army community. Let’s dive deeper into what has gotten them to revive and what are their future plans for the army!

The Fire Vikings was founded on November 16th, 2024, by Yellow Typer. Yellow Typer was able to host a successful opening event maxing a high max of 11 penguins at their opening event. The army was lead by Yellow Typer, Zaidimai, Zuj0t, Styx, and Ryken. FV joined the Christmas Chaos tournament held by Club Penguin Armies. After the tournament was over, Yellow Typer announced that FV would be merging with the Dark Pirates of Club Penguin which ended the first generation of FV.

Fire Vikings in their opening event

Months after the disclosure of FV, Yellow Typer announced that Mafuka would be reviving the army and it brought everyone to surprise that FV would be revived so early. Hours later after the announcement, Mafuka left the leadership to join Special Weapons and Tactics leaving FV’s planned revival to die. After the departure, Yellow Typer announced that FV would not be getting revived unless they have a loyal leader willing to revive it. 1 hour later after the announcement, Pain of War, founder of Vangaurd Penguin Federation, looked up to the announcement made and he volunteered to revive FV promising his loyalty. Pain of War hosted the revival event on February 16th, 2025, exactly 3 months after the opening event. Yellow Typer and Pain of War were able to get 10 vikings online making the revival event successful.

Fire Vikings reopening event maxing 10′

Club Penguin Armies Official interviewed the current leader of Fire Vikings, Pain of War to get more information due to this revival.

CPAO: What made you revive Fire Vikings?

Pain of War: I revived Fire Vikings because I saw an opportunity to give the army a new era of success.

CPAO: Do you have any future plans for the army?

Pain of War: Primarily, I want to establish a strong foundation for the army.

CPAO: What do you want FV to see success in?

Pain of War: I want to see Fire Vikings become a competitive force in the army scene, participating in major battles and establishing our legacy.

CPAO: Anything you would like to the community?

Pain of War: FV FOREVER

It seems like as Fire Vikings were revived, they revived without any particular goals but they want to see themselves as a dominating army and see themselves participating with the other major armies. What does Pain of War have planned for Fire Vikings? What will he do to make Fire Vikings a fearful force against the other major armies?


Reporter in Training

Yellow Typer

Board of Director

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