On February 23, 2025, at 1:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, Yellow Typer, one of the advisors and the founder of the Fire Vikings of Club Penguin, announced that the Fire Vikings would be going into lockdown for a while. Let us see what led to this lockdown!

The advisors are uncertain when they will return from this lockdown, but they have stated that they will not resume activities until the Fire Vikings reach 100 members.

Welcome to you all who have joined the new server so far! The information will be classified, and we will explain why we see this new server today when we get around 100 members! Stay tuned. For this change, FV will be on hiatus until further notice.
-Yellow Typer

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Yellow Typer to see why he announced the lockdown of Fire Vikings
How do you feel about Fire Vikings being on a hiatus?
Yellow Typer: Feels great tbh. Gives me and pain of War time to get the server right and recruit people while we moved servers.
That was the only question but it seems like Yellow Typer and the other Pain of War has stuff planned out for Fire Vikings as their legacy continues. What will they do when they come from out of hiatus? How will they climb back up upon the leaderboard?
Filed under: Hiatus/Lockdown Tagged: | Fire Vikings, Pain of War, Yellow Typer
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