A huge department: Tide steps down from Dark Pirates leadership

Tide was a leader of the Dark Pirates when they have revived. Unexpectedly, Tide announced that he was resigning from his leadership in DPC. Let us dive in deeper to see what has caused this department to happen.

Designed by Mati

The Dark Pirates of Club Penguin officially revived on Friday, December 27 with maxing 15 penguins for Ninja’s late party. This generation of DPC was under the leadership of Tide and Shrekkks after the Fire Vikings merged into them. Tide stayed as a leader for a couple more days until DPC had some changes. Yellow Typer was promoted to a leader, Ninja Leader stepped down as a advisor then stepped back up, and later on that same day, Tide announced his departure from DPC’s leadership.

Tide announcing him stepping down from a leader in Dark Pirates

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Tide to see what caused him to resign his leadership in DPC.

CPAO: Do you think you did well as a captain in Dark Pirates?
Tide: I’m going to be honest I could’ve done better as a leader this gen but my busy routine stopped me from being able to do what I wanted to do with this gen

CPAO: Will you keep on supporting DPC through their hard missions and journey?
Tide: I have already spoken to Ninja Leader and I have agreed to continue attending events as an advisor

CPAO: Why did you resign as a leader in DPC?
Tide: I resigned because I was just really busy, some people might say I left to go and join a different army or whatever but they don’t know the full story, what really happened is I have college and a busy life and I can’t always be prioritizing club penguin armies, especially now that I am 18. I have a lot less free time to do the things I enjoy

CPAO: Is there anything else you want to say to the community
Tide: I just want to say good luck and have fun, the whole reason I bought this back was to have fun and not be a super strict army like most other armies are.

The Dark Pirates were revived under the leadership of Shrekkks and Tide with a successful opening event of maxing 15 penguins. From this interview it seems like Tide didn’t want to give up his leadership but due to time and age. He had to give it up so he can be focused on more important things in his life rather than Club Penguin. The pirates will miss Tide as a leader and we all hope that this department will help you do what you have to do to get done with your important things. What are the Pirates plan on making this army major? How will Yellow Typer and Shrekkks maintain DPC as duo leaders? We will just have to wait to find that out.

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Teamwork! Dark Pirates and Special Weapons and Tactics announce alliance

On December 28 2024, The Dark Pirate of Club Penguin announced alliance with The Special Weapons and Tactics, let us dive deep into what has gotten them to announce their alliance!

Dark Pirates recently came back as an army after having an successful opening event while Special Weapons and Tactics are getting close to having their revival event and try to max enough penguins to have their army back. Maguro, one of the SWAT leaders reached out to DPC leaders and proposed his alliance. DPC accepted his proposal and now they are officially allies.

Maguro announcing their alliance with DPC

Shrekkks announcing their alliance with SWAT

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to one of the SWAT leaders (shaz) to see why they proposed this alliance.

CPAO: Why’d you decide to Ally with DPC?
Shaz: We see it as a good army to ally with, its performance was also very good in the anniversary event, it has full potential for a great S/M army.

CPAO: What do you think about the Future of SWAT Allied with DPC?
Shaz: I hope it is a good alliance and a great duo and who knows, future brother-allies.

CPAO: Are you guys gonna un-ally ever?
Shaz: For now we want to maintain this alliance for a long time.

CPAO: Anything else you want to say to DPC?
Shaz: Negative

So as we see here, SWAT sees this as a good decision to ally with DPC, due to their new leadership and how both armies perform. They seek this alliance for a while and during that time being, both armies tend to help each other out. Both of these armies see this alliance as a good way to get back to the top of the leaderboard. What will happen in this alliance? Will this alliance help both armies reach their goal? We will have to wait and see


Reporter in Training

Yellow Typer

Reporting Heads

Judge Judy Joins The Team As a Board of Director

There has been a lot of things going on as Board of Directors kept resigning for their position. Well we would like to introduce a new Board of Director, her name is Judy, or as some people say, Judge Judy. Let’s dive in more to see why she signed up for this.

Judy applied to be a Board of Director on Christmas day, and got accepted hours later. Judy was first added as a league administrator, then days later, CPAO saw that she would be a good Board member and accepted her. Judy also joined the reporting team and wrote her first report on the same day she was accepted as a BoD.

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Judy to gather information why she applied for this position.

CPAO: What has made you want to join the team as a Board Of Director in Club Penguin Armies Official?
Judy: Mostly it’s down to passion for the Club Penguin community, I’ve been all around the place in only 6 months and I enjoy doing this sort of work. As much as I love armies, I greatly enjoy being behind the scenes and organizing things for people which is a BIG part of it. Other than that, I’ve been acquainted with the team for some time and think we can work well together to bring something great to the army community (:

CPAO: What could you do to help this league grow?
As much as I don’t try to throw it out unless its relevant, I have a long line of history in owning servers and doing this sort of thing , one thing I am confident in is gathering members and arranging activities for CPAO to make it more lively as well as engaging with the members to make our goal possible

CPAO: Do you think you’re ready for these hard responsibilities as a Director?
Judy: Absolutely! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this side of a community, but I gotta believe in myself to pull through with it and do what I love doing.

So it seems like Judy was here before the name BCLC was rebranded CPAO. Judy believes she can take on the challenge as a Board of Director and help us grow. What will Judy do to prove she is a good BoD? How will she Face the challenges that’s coming towards her way?

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Board of Director