Your Opinion: Are advisors considered a rank?

Today, we delve into an opinion post exploring the question: Are advisors considered a rank? Let’s see what our community members think!



An advisor is typically an individual with extensive expertise in a specific field, offering strategic guidance and recommendations to assist individuals and organizations. In the context of Club Penguin Armies, the role of an advisor is often debated some view it as a formal rank akin to others in the hierarchy, while others consider it a distinguished position reserved for highly esteemed and experienced army members.

Club Penguin Armies Official asked 4 individuals, Callisto25x, auxabyss, RIRI, and Ghostt about their opinion

CPAO: ”What is the role of an advisor, and how does it differ from traditional ranks?”

Callisto25x: ”An advisor is a motivator of staff and leader, guiding us through hard times. An advisor is not enlisted in the army but yet helps them, as Spartan Gen 2 advisor was a guy named Joel, he was a pretty great advisor as he even taught us to recruit.”
Auxabyss: ”The role of an advisor is different from the others like veterans of staff/hcom because they’re more of a thinker than an active server manager.”
RIRI: ”The role of an advisor in an army is to assist the leaders whenever necessary and/or give advice relating to the army itself. They are normally members of the Higher Command team and are usually former leaders/army legends.”
Ghostt: ”Advisor is a rank that is given to people based on their experience in the community. Sorta like a veteran but a veteran is more so someone with experience in a specific army. The difference being that these people might not be from our army originally but they have the experience in a specific army. The difference being that these people might not be from our originally but they have the experience to help us with opinions on important discussions.”


CPAO: ”Can you explain how advisors are selected and what qualifications they typically possess?”

Callisto25x: ”Advisors are selected based of their performance, loyalty etc. If you ask from the point of view from Spartans, I believe the advisor should have a successful army and shared interests to be an advisor in your army.”
Auxabyss: ”Advisors are selected by leaders for their advice that benefits the community.”
RIRI: ”Advisors are often former leaders of the army, founders after retirement or someone with any higher command experience willing to help in the army. Former HCOM and leaders usually become advisors after retirement but it’s almost always optional.”
Ghostt: ”So i cant say say for other armies ofc bit in SR we have always selected advisors based on experience. Obviously i have had many offers for people to advise for us but the ones we end up choosing are usually the ones that have HCOM experience in an arm y with at least a decent reputations and people who have opinions/ideas about the community that we can agree with.”


CPAO: ”In your opinion, do you think advisors have a formal rank within the military hierarchy, or are they considered a separate category?”

Callisto25x: ”All armies have different rules, in Spartans advisors held 0 power. That’s because we used to have our own government in which Gerousia (Council of Elders) and Ephors were advisors and held power as much as the leaders did.”

RIRI: ”In my opinion, advisors are just as important in the hierarchy, if nor more, as most of the time, they have served the army and earned the right of the rank as well as the respect that comes from it.”

Auxabyss: ”The role of an advisor is different from other like veteran or staff/hcom because they’re more of a thinker than an active server manager.

Ghostt: ”Even though I say that Advisor is a rank I do think it isnt necessarily a Military Hierarchy type of deal. Definitely a separate category but since advisors are “experienced” members of CPA then I could see them still stepping in for battles from time to time. Not necessarily someone who is limited to only giving advice.”



In conclusion, Advisors are an important part of Club Penguin armies, providing guidance, strategy, and support to leaders. Their role varies some have influence, while others simply offer advice but they all help keep armies stable and growing. Whether they’re seen as an official rank or just a special role, one thing is certain: without advisors, armies could lose valuable experience and direction, making them a key part of the community.

Do you think advisors should be considered an official rank, or are they better seen as a separate guiding role? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Reporter in Training


2 Responses

  1. Advisors are essentially an important part in an army

  2. GG!

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