Your Opinion: Are advisors considered a rank?

Today, we delve into an opinion post exploring the question: Are advisors considered a rank? Let’s see what our community members think!



An advisor is typically an individual with extensive expertise in a specific field, offering strategic guidance and recommendations to assist individuals and organizations. In the context of Club Penguin Armies, the role of an advisor is often debated some view it as a formal rank akin to others in the hierarchy, while others consider it a distinguished position reserved for highly esteemed and experienced army members.

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Top Ten Armies [March 2 – March 8]

CPAO Headquarters –  Presenting the inaugural official Top 10 Armies of Club Penguin Armies Official. The Army of Club Penguin secures the 1st  position in the first official Top 10 Armies ranking, with a score of 50.6. This ranking covers the period from 2nd March to 8th March 2025 and includes a total of 15 armies.


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Judge Judy Joins The Team As a Board of Director

There has been a lot of things going on as Board of Directors kept resigning for their position. Well we would like to introduce a new Board of Director, her name is Judy, or as some people say, Judge Judy. Let’s dive in more to see why she signed up for this.

Judy applied to be a Board of Director on Christmas day, and got accepted hours later. Judy was first added as a league administrator, then days later, CPAO saw that she would be a good Board member and accepted her. Judy also joined the reporting team and wrote her first report on the same day she was accepted as a BoD.

Club Penguin Armies Official reached out to Judy to gather information why she applied for this position.

CPAO: What has made you want to join the team as a Board Of Director in Club Penguin Armies Official?
Judy: Mostly it’s down to passion for the Club Penguin community, I’ve been all around the place in only 6 months and I enjoy doing this sort of work. As much as I love armies, I greatly enjoy being behind the scenes and organizing things for people which is a BIG part of it. Other than that, I’ve been acquainted with the team for some time and think we can work well together to bring something great to the army community (:

CPAO: What could you do to help this league grow?
As much as I don’t try to throw it out unless its relevant, I have a long line of history in owning servers and doing this sort of thing , one thing I am confident in is gathering members and arranging activities for CPAO to make it more lively as well as engaging with the members to make our goal possible

CPAO: Do you think you’re ready for these hard responsibilities as a Director?
Judy: Absolutely! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this side of a community, but I gotta believe in myself to pull through with it and do what I love doing.

So it seems like Judy was here before the name BCLC was rebranded CPAO. Judy believes she can take on the challenge as a Board of Director and help us grow. What will Judy do to prove she is a good BoD? How will she Face the challenges that’s coming towards her way?

Yellow Typer
Board of Director

Board of Director